Heal your birth
Journey & Retreat
Connect with your birth story
and experience your essence and strength
with which you came to earth.

The time in the womb can have an incredible influence on how you approach life.
The womb and birthexperiences leave deep imprints,
That can still influence your relationship with yourself and others in your daily life.
That experience shapes how you view yourself
and how you portray yourself in the world
What can be specifically linked to birth imprint?
- Having to do it alone
- Feeling misunderstood
- A vague sense of guilt
- Financial problems
- Difficulty in receiving
- A feeling of loneliness or emptiness
- Being afraid to be visible in your business
- A constant or rapidly rising sense of agitation
- Being unable to commit, unable to find a partner
- Feeling like you don’t belong, not feeling welcome
- Eating problems, depression, anxiety, unexplained physical symptoms
- A difficult pregnancy or childbirth with your own children
- Infertility
Remembering your birth is not like ‘oh yes, it happened like this and then that occurred.‘
It’s more about a feeling, an experience.
It is stored in cellular memory and often in the body as well.
When you see a photo of a birth experience you’ve lived through, your body will generally react to it.
However, it cannot be directly said that when you have a specific experience, there is a logical sequel or reaction to expect.
Many factors come into play in how the experience becomes embedded and manifests, and whether it becomes a traumatic or negative imprint or not.
‘It is a unique experience, your story, your responce’

Heal your birth
Journey & Retreat
In a unique 3-month JOURNEY, you explore your story, your imprint, and how this influences your daily life.
How did you arrive in the womb?
How were you received?
What was your birth and your first period on earth like?
A journey towards deep SELF-LOVE,
HEALING of your relationships,
and a more CLEAR and EMPOWERED presence on earth.
You have the opportunity to dive deep, cleanse, and better understand yourself.
You reconnect with your powerful ESSENCE and LIGHT, and the initial motivation to come to earth.
The journey is personal and individual, leading up to a delightful RETREAT on IBIZA.
During the retreat, we create a SAFE SPACE for even deeper insight, experience, and understanding of your journey to earth.
It unveils inner saboteurs, allowing you to shape and lead your life in more HARMONY and FLOW.
“You are welcomed, embraced, and supported.”
“I have gained more space, more tranquility, and more confidence.”
” I felt safe; the place is magical, the facilitators are warm, loving, and intuitive.”
“”It has given me more courage, more strength, and clarity to walk my own path.”
“We will work on all levels:
◌ Physical ◌ Mental ◌ Emotional ◌ Spiritual
And, if the situation calls for it, we will address intergenerational and multidimensional patterns.”
Want to break through persistent patterns
Were carried in a womb and born (M/F)
Are open to the idea that this period influences your life and has shaped you (even if the birth was ‘fine’)
Are curious about how this is your case
Want to see and embrace your human experience instead of bypassing and overwriting it
Enjoy the fact that after the journey and the retreat, many ‘aha’ moments will follow
Are open to personal development and not looking for a quick fix but for profound insight and integration.

What insight into birth imprint meant for others:
♥ Finding NOURISHMENT and JOY in my life instead of scarcity
♥ Connecting with my POWERFUL CORE and light and knowing that I have never lost this light
♥ Daring to be VISIBLE in my business
♥ No longer pleasing and playing small, but choosing for MYSELF and setting clear boundaries
♥ Feeling SUPPORTED by both the masculine and feminine lineages
♥ Staying very CLOSE to myself, consciously PRESENT, and staying CONNECTED to my body
♥ INTEGRATING fragmented parts of light, making my life BRIGHTER and more PLAYFUL
♥ Forgiveness, understanding, and ACCEPTANCE toward my parents and grandparents
♥ INSIGHT into the births of my children and HEALING in that
♥ Communicating and COLLABORATING with my vanishing twin, relieving me of the guilt of being alive and allowing me to TAKE MY PLACE
Working with birth imprint is about your foundation and basic safety. By doing this in an environment with peace, space, and nature, you have the opportunity to deeply integrate the insights.
We work with a very small and safe group (max 6).
In addition to our deep dives, we also aim for the MAXIMUM JOY of Life! We enjoy the beautiful surroundings, connection, delicious nutritious food. There is ample rest, integration, and relaxation time.
The retreat is fully tailored to the themes of the participants. Experience shows that a group is never just randomly formed, and there are common themes or qualities that are supportive to each other.
Elements include deep meditation and hypnosis, yoga, breathwork, energy work, light language, prenatal and perinatal psychology.

3-month journey
◌ online 1-on-1 sessions
◌ an extensive clarifying questionnaire
◌ birth & soul reading (on paper) and
◌ in-depth conversation to bring up your themes that we will work with during the retreat.
◌ 2 retreat and in depth journey days in a magical luxury villa in Ibiza (separate arrival and departure day)
◌ on-1 integration session after the retreat
A magical luxury villa in the North of Ibiza. We stay in private rooms
December 3 to 6, 2023
INVESTMENT(payment in installments possible)
1555 EURO
◌ including 3 nights’ stay in luxury private room
◌ abundant nutritious and lovingly prepared meals by a private chef
◌ snacks, fresh fruit, water, and tea
◌ transfer to and from the airport (no car rental needed!)
◌ personal journey and 1-on-1 integration session after the retreat by an energetic psychologist
◌ personalized energy work
◌ two therapists available throughout the entire retreat to work with you at any moment and directly during activation
◌ conscious movement ◌ breathwork ◌ cacao & blue lotus
“It was fantastic! I would do it again in a heartbeat!”
“I felt safe; the place is magical, the facilitators warm, loving, and intuitive.”
“I have found more peace within myself, a better lifestyle, relaxation, more insight, beautiful connections, new experiences, more spirituality, and have come much closer to myself.” – D.
“My process was greatly strengthened, and the journey and the retreat have undoubtedly contributed significantly to the many insights and breakthroughs of recent times.
It has given me more courage, more strength, and clarity to walk my own path.
I can stay close to my own vibration and no longer need to lower it to understand others or connect with them.” – S.
I would definitely recommend it to others!
The small, intimate setting, the personal attention. It brought me gentleness, deepening, beautiful encounters, mosquito bites, fun, and fond memories.
I feel the love for my masculine lineage and discovered the innocence within it.
I have gained more space, more tranquility, and more confidence. – M.